tall talk 近义词
tall talk 的近义词 42 个
- aggrandizement
- amplification
- baloney
- boasting
- caricature
- coloring
- crock
- elaboration
- embroidery
- emphasis
- enlargement
- exaltation
- excess
- extravagance
- fabrication
- falsehood
- fancy
- fantasy
- figure of speech
- fish story
- flight of fancy
- hogwash
- hyperbole
- hyperbolism
- inflation
- jazz
- line
- magnification
- misjudgment
- misrepresentation
- overemphasis
- overestimation
- overstatement
- pretension
- pretentiousness
- rant
- romance
- stretch
- tall story
- untruth
- whopper
- yarn